Saturday, August 17, 2013

School Holiday Schedule for Mountain View & Los Altos Union & LASD Schools

These are important dates for holidays and other events for the 2013/2014 school year for the Los Altos School District (LASD) and the Mountain View Los Altos Union School (MVLA)

Aug. 19: Mountain View Los Altos Union High School (MVLA) school year begins 
Aug. 21: Los Altos School District (LASD) school year begins 

Sept. 2: Labor Day holiday - no school for LASD and MVLA 
Sept. 27: Staff Development Day - No school for LASD 

Oct. 22: Minimum day for LASD 
Oct. 24-25: MVLA Parent Teacher Conferences - half day 

Nov. 11: Veteran's Day holiday - no school for LASD and MVLA
Nov. 25 & 29: Parent-teacher conferences - no school for LASD 
Nov. 27: Teacher Service Day - no school for MVLA 
Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving holiday - no school for LASD 
Nov. 28-29: Thanksgiving holiday - no school for MVLA 

Dec. 23 through Jan. 3: Holiday break - no school for LASD and MVLA. 

Jan. 6-7: Teacher Service Days - no school for MVLA 
Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. holiday - no school for LASD and MVLA 
Jan. 21: Staff Development Day - no school for LASD and MVLA 

Feb. 7-21: Winter break - no school for LASD and MVLA 

Mareh 20: Minimum day LASD students 

April 7-11: Spring break - no school for LASD and MVLA 

May 26: Memorial Day holiday - no school for LASD and MVLA 

June 6: Last day of school/graduation for MVLA Minimum day for LASD 
June 12: Last day of school for LASD

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From the August 14, 2013 Los Altos Town Crier